Friday 20 December 2013

Mariah Carey Feeds On Bankers Christmas Welfare Package

Mariah Carey On Stage 
Some of you might not be aware that Mariah Carey was in Nigeria over the weekend to perform at a show organised by one of Nigeria’s top banks.
Carey visit to Nigeria wasn’t too pleasant to many both with and outside the shores of Nigeria.
Some Nigerians believed the money paid to her should have been channeled into improving the welfare of staff as over 200 staff in another bank were laid off last week.
Elsewhere in United States of America,, described the performance by Mariah Carey as a disgrace to the United States, saying she should “have thought twice before agreeing to accept the pay check from the bank.”
After the singer posted a picture of herself on her Instagram page with the title, “Backstage in Nigeria,” the online site reported thus:

“Carey isn’t the first performer who has taken a paycheck to perform in Nigeria.

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